28 Apr Review: Our Networking-Event at the Technical Museum in Vienna
Finally, we were able to meet our stakeholders, customers and partners in person again. Our networking meeting in the middle of the Technical Museum Vienna on April 26, 2022 was fully booked and an ideal opportunity to exchange synergies, project ideas and cooperation opportunities.
Thanks to everyone for this exciting evening:
4activeSystems / A1 Telekom Austria AG / AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH / ASFINAG / Fraunhofer Austria / ABA – WORK in AUSTRIA (Austrian Business Agency) / AVL / BERNARD Gruppe / BMK / Capgemini / BULMOR industries GmbH / Cepton / Dewesoft / DigiTrans GmbH / Drei Österreich / Dr. Steffan Datentechnik GmbH / ECOexperts Automation GmbH / EUstacchio LAW and beyond – Rechtsanwälte – Attorneys at Law / JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH / Johannes Kepler Universität Linz / Kleine Zeitung / WEKA Industrie Medien GmbH / Kistler Group / Know-Center GmbH / Kontrol GmbH / NVIDIA / ÖAMTC / Steyr Automotive GmbH / SURAAA – Smart Urban Region Austria Alps Adriatic / TÜV Rheinland Group / University of Leoben / Unikie / Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH / WKO Steiermark / ZKW