Latest Past Events

motionEXPO 2023

Messe Graz Messeplatz 1, Graz

Die motionEXPO - die führende Mobilitätsmesse der Steiermark - geht in die nächste Runde und ALP.Lab ist natürlich wieder mit dabei. Im heurigen Jahr präsentieren wir folgende Highlights auf der Messe: In Halle C zeigen wir SPiDER, eine mobile, vollautonome Hardware-in-the-Loop Plattform mit Straßenzulassung.  ...

Seamless ADAS Testing and Certification II – From Road to Simulation

The development and safety assessment of automated driving functions require the generation of the most relevant driving scenarios and environmental factors extracted from real world traffic monitoring. Furthermore, millions of simulation-generated data ensure that the diversity of real-life driving is considered during development. In this...


Opening Euro NCAP Testtrack Hofkirchen

Hofkirchen Kiebach 2a, Hofkirchen im Traunkreis

Austria (BMK) has been an official member of Euro NCAP since 2022 – and Safety Labs Austria (SLA) is currently undergoing accreditation as the first domestic Euro NCAP laboratory. For „Active Safety Tests“ SLA partner DSD has built a new test track in Upper Austria,...