From a global perspective, the transformation of mobility started a long time ago. Digitization, automation and, as a result, autonomous vehicles will be part of our future and this is going to change the basic human need of mobility. In addition to the advances in environmentally friendly drive technologies, the automation of mobility offers numerous opportunities for the sustainable development of our cities, rural areas, society and for the innovative strength of commercial, industrial and research locations.
In order for Austria to benefit from these positive effects, the domestic R&D landscape needs to be intensively involved with active security systems and multimodal (partially) autonomous mobility solutions. The Austrian test region ALP.Lab follows this mandate and thus supports the goal of harmonizing European R&D activities for the implementation of CCAM technologies and services.
In this position paper we want to show WHY automated and networked mobility can make a valuable contribution to our common future, HOW ALP.Lab has a positive influence on this development and WHAT can and must be achieved in order to bring automated mobility quickly and safely onto the road .